Thursday, March 11, 2010

Email Marketing Spending Beating Other Internet Marketing Methods, But is It Working for Everyone?

Beginning with the holiday shopping months of 2009, and continuing through now, email marketing spending has risen significantly for all manner of companies and businesses. Numerous surveys has shown that many companies are utilizing email marketing campaigns or plan to in the near future in favor of other online marketing methods.

But what many of these survey don't detail is how effective email marketing has been for everyone. After all, for every successful email marketing campaign, there are likely dozens that are ineffective, for any number of reasons. These include target markets that are too broad or too lacking, inadequate email messages that fail to engage the reader, or being to "spammy" in nature, to name a few.

An effective email marketing campaign can be extremely cost-efficient and possibly provide the highest ROI for your marketing dollar, but how do you measure your results?

Measuring the results of an email marketing campaign entails planning beforehand. Email campaigns should first be segmented to specific target markets. Second, links in emails should lead to specific landing pages. These factors will help you better analyze the results.

Don't fall into the easy habit of sending email marketing campaigns out into the vast space of the Internet without having some method in place of measuring your ROI. Recent surveys revealed that not only do nearly 39% of companies utilizing email campaigns have no idea what their ROI is or how to measure it, and even 33% of online marketing agencies have no idea as well, which is inefficient, unprofessional, and just plain lazy.

For more information about email marketing campaigns and how best to measure the results, please visit Active Web Group, Long Island's leading online marketing solutions company.

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