Wednesday, May 26, 2010

9 Ways to Unleash the Profit Potential of Landing Pages (Part Two)

At this point, you’ve convinced them that you have the most powerful, easy to use, underpriced problem solver in the world. They are going to get free bonuses (list them again) and as a special thanks for ordering by the deadline or being one of the first hundred orders of the week, you’ll also include another special bonus. Make sure this bonus is even more intriguing and valuable than the first ones. You’re trying to create urgency so that they will respond right now instead of deciding to consider it for a few days.

Provide the reader with the promise of a real guarantee and be prepared to stick to it. Don’t assume that you’ll be able to push off someone who wants their money back. If you need proof of attempts to use the product, include that in the promise. Let them know that any free benefits or bonus material they receive is theirs to keep anyway, just so that they feel like you’re willing to give away information even if it doesn’t work out as planned. They are better off for ordering and returning than they would have been for never ordering at all.

Use the guarantee and the other positive aspects to remind them that get all of this plus a solution to their problem if they respond immediately. Everything you’re offering is a package. If they want the package, they need to be in a hurry to get it.

Post Scripts:
Remind the reader of the urgency once again by reminding them how quickly they can have the answer to their problems. Remind them that receive more than just the product, but emotional benefits as well. Tell them how good they’ll feel, how they will finally experience peace of mind, and how they will be able to sleep better tonight knowing that they’ve made such a positive step forward.

Lift Letter:
This is a section devoted to those who have yet to make a decision. Give them a separate button to click on so that you don’t distract the users that are ready to order. Usually placing it below the “order now” button will help filter through the prospects.

This is a great place to add in some testimonials. Using people that didn’t initially order your product and found out later how much time and money they wasted is a good way to connect to the undecided. At this point, you want to take some time to remind the user that they stand to lose something without ordering your product. By giving them this information now, you give them more reason to consider the importance of action today.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

9 Ways to Unleash the Profit Potential of Landing Pages (Part One)

In order to create powerful conversion numbers, your landing page will have to carry a number of components that are known to provide proven success. Everything you write will have to contribute to making the right type of connection with the reader.

Instant Attention Grabbing Headlines:
We all know that it’s a competitive world out there on the internet, and if there is nothing to attract the attention of the reader they are simply going to move on. The first thing most readers see is the headline. Making it compelling enough to keep the readers’ attention often means the use of a pre-headline.

A pre-headline is just as it sounds. It come right before the actual headline and its main goal is to shout out something imperative to get the reader to develop interest in what you might have to say.

Your pre-headline is the attention grabber, which is then followed by the main headline. The main headline is still looking for attention from the reader but is more willing to offer up some more detailed information. Use the pre-headline to attract readers who are trying to solve a problem like, “End Your Financial Troubles Today!” Use the headline to give them a little peek into how you’re going to help them solve the problem like, “Use This Powerful Technique to SkyRocket to Powerhouse Profts.”

Support Your Headline:
Don’t forget your headline once you start writing. Back up your headline with some sort of evidence that what you’re saying is credible. Otherwise you end up looking like you tried to trick the reader into hanging out on your landing page. If you feel you can support your own claims through the use of your own personal experience or your position, use a subheading to indicate this and use a simple paragraph or two to explain why you get to be the authority on their situation.

Support the headline farther by expressing clear understanding of how challenging it can be to solve their problem. The more you address the difficulties, especially targeting the tricks they have been subjected to in their previous efforts, the better. This can include explaining how you understand that most marketing scams are there to take your money and offer little information, that the same information is found all over the internet just regurgitated in different ways, and that many of today’s leading programs intentionally leave out vital information.

Make sure that you can prove that your solution is different because it is ideal. List the benefits and list the differences between your solution and the other run of the mill solutions. Give them a reason to believe that they will have the power to solve their own problem if they just have what you are offering. The more personally connected they feel to your product the more likely they are to purchase it immediately.

The Power of Social Agreement:
Testimonials are good way to back up your statements from the previous paragraph. Testimonials show the reader that there are others out there who were feeling just as frustrated as they are and they were able to solve their problems because they went ahead and trusted your statements.

Free Benefits:
Always have a free benefit or two. Whether it’s a report on furthering your profits through other marketing means or its access to a list of marketing businesses that are proven winners, give away an extra bonus.

Keep it Easy:
By now you’ve provided the reader with tons of information, even if it’s compact and in bulleted form. This means that they are starting to feel like there must be a lot of complicated steps to the solution is there is so much information you feel you can share with them. Now is a great time to remind them that too can have success and it can be simple to follow and is priced well under market value. You want to encourage them to believe they are getting much more than they are paying for and that they will not be overwhelmed with any sort of difficult steps that they will find to be overtly taxing.

Part Two of this article will be posted tomorrow.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Building Backlinks For Better SEO

Having optimized content on your website is great, and may certainly help increase your searchability , but there are other online marketing methods associated with SEO that should not be ignored. The practice of creating strong backlinks can go a long way towards moving your website to the top of the search engine results, as well as enable visitors to find your website through many other corridors.

Backlinks work essentially by having a link to your website somewhere on an external site, preferably in a place where it is bound to get noticed. But SEO also comes into play when creating these links. For example, let’s say you’ve answered a question of a message board related to your industry, and you want to post a link that leads back to your own site where readers can get more information. Many people mistakenly paste a whole link into the message, which is often not search engine optimized, such as

Another mistake that that is typically made is the preference to create a hyperlink that simply says Click Here For More Information, or something similar. But suppose you create a hyperlink that says this: Free SEO Analysis

Now you’ve got searchable keywords integrated into your hyperlink, and search engines like that. If you can get links like this on websites that major search engines consider strong, quality websites or authoritative sources, it only increases your chances of achieving high search engine rankings.

For maximum effectiveness, try building backlinks on websites that contain content that is related to your own industry. You can also build backlinks on blogs, forums, and social networking sites. However, be careful not to spam your links across the Internet and on other people’s blogs or forum topics. This can quickly instill the community with negative thoughts of your brand.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Top 10 Benefits of Social Networking for Businesses

Unless you live in the middle of the forest or at the top of a mountain, with virtually no human contact or connection to civilization, you’ve heard all about the rising popularity of social networking sites. Obviously neither of those scenarios apply to you, or you wouldn’t be reading this now. So you likely know all about Twitter, Facebook, Linked:In, and other popular sites. But are you aware of the benefits of social networking sites for businesses both large and small?

Many online marketing companies and self-proclaimed Internet marketing gurus are touting social network marketing as a must for any business, but how many of them help you to understand the reasons why?

In a nutshell, here are the top 10 benefits of social networking for business:

1.     Increases Brand Recognition
2.     Increases Website Traffic
3.     Engages Potential Customers/Clients on an Interactive Level
4.     Enables Additional Means of Advertising & Promotion
5.     Decreases Online Marketing Costs
6.     Acquires New Sales Leads
7.     Facilitates Reaching Local Target Markets
8.     Content Can Be Search Engine Optimized
9.     Reach New Audiences
10. Strong Online Visibility/Social Networking Acts as an Extension of the Corporate Website

For more information about social network marketing and other online marketing solutions, contact Active Web Group. AWG is Long Island’s leading full service online marketing solutions agency.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Retailers Realize the Benefits of SEO

There are many online marketing solutions to choose from when seeking to increase your customer base, but Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is still the top priority and method of choice for retailers. Pay Per Click is a close second, and typically, retailers utilize a combination of both to increase the effectiveness of their online marketing campaigns.

Recent Internet marketing research studies have shown that most retailers claim that natural website search engine rankings produced by strong SEO are responsible for the most significant portion of website traffic. Retailers also stated that SEO click conversion rates were steadily rising.

Marketing budgets allocated to SEO have also increased: many retailers use half of their marketing budget for SEO marketing. These findings show that many of the misconceptions or general wariness of SEO held by retailers in the past is diminishing, and the online marketing solution is now instilling confidence among the majority of search engine advertisers.

However, as new technology advances and Internet trends work to shift a focus from search engine advertising to social network marketing and mobile marketing, many retailers and businesses have yet to catch up. There is a vast amount of SEO potential to be found in social network marketing, and it statistical evidence has already proven that social network marketing is a successful means of increasing your customer base and customer loyalty.

Retailers should not seek to leap into these new online marketing strategies until a solid SEO foundation is in place. To learn more how SEO can increase web traffic and improve search engine rankings, and to receive a free SEO analysis of your website, please visit Active Web Group. AWG is Long Island’s leading marketing solutions agency, with expertise in SEO campaigns, PPC management, E-Mail marketing, E-commerce, and website design.