In order to create powerful conversion numbers, your landing page will have to carry a number of components that are known to provide proven success. Everything you write will have to contribute to making the right type of connection with the reader.
Instant Attention Grabbing Headlines:
We all know that it’s a competitive world out there on the internet, and if there is nothing to attract the attention of the reader they are simply going to move on. The first thing most readers see is the headline. Making it compelling enough to keep the readers’ attention often means the use of a pre-headline.
A pre-headline is just as it sounds. It come right before the actual headline and its main goal is to shout out something imperative to get the reader to develop interest in what you might have to say.
Your pre-headline is the attention grabber, which is then followed by the main headline. The main headline is still looking for attention from the reader but is more willing to offer up some more detailed information. Use the pre-headline to attract readers who are trying to solve a problem like, “End Your Financial Troubles Today!” Use the headline to give them a little peek into how you’re going to help them solve the problem like, “Use This Powerful Technique to SkyRocket to Powerhouse Profts.”
Support Your Headline:
Don’t forget your headline once you start writing. Back up your headline with some sort of evidence that what you’re saying is credible. Otherwise you end up looking like you tried to trick the reader into hanging out on your landing page. If you feel you can support your own claims through the use of your own personal experience or your position, use a subheading to indicate this and use a simple paragraph or two to explain why you get to be the authority on their situation.
Support the headline farther by expressing clear understanding of how challenging it can be to solve their problem. The more you address the difficulties, especially targeting the tricks they have been subjected to in their previous efforts, the better. This can include explaining how you understand that most marketing scams are there to take your money and offer little information, that the same information is found all over the internet just regurgitated in different ways, and that many of today’s leading programs intentionally leave out vital information.
Make sure that you can prove that your solution is different because it is ideal. List the benefits and list the differences between your solution and the other run of the mill solutions. Give them a reason to believe that they will have the power to solve their own problem if they just have what you are offering. The more personally connected they feel to your product the more likely they are to purchase it immediately.
The Power of Social Agreement:
Testimonials are good way to back up your statements from the previous paragraph. Testimonials show the reader that there are others out there who were feeling just as frustrated as they are and they were able to solve their problems because they went ahead and trusted your statements.
Free Benefits:
Always have a free benefit or two. Whether it’s a report on furthering your profits through other marketing means or its access to a list of marketing businesses that are proven winners, give away an extra bonus.
Keep it Easy:
By now you’ve provided the reader with tons of information, even if it’s compact and in bulleted form. This means that they are starting to feel like there must be a lot of complicated steps to the solution is there is so much information you feel you can share with them. Now is a great time to remind them that too can have success and it can be simple to follow and is priced well under market value. You want to encourage them to believe they are getting much more than they are paying for and that they will not be overwhelmed with any sort of difficult steps that they will find to be overtly taxing.
Part Two of this article will be posted tomorrow.
Part Two of this article will be posted tomorrow.
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