Monday, May 10, 2010

Building Backlinks For Better SEO

Having optimized content on your website is great, and may certainly help increase your searchability , but there are other online marketing methods associated with SEO that should not be ignored. The practice of creating strong backlinks can go a long way towards moving your website to the top of the search engine results, as well as enable visitors to find your website through many other corridors.

Backlinks work essentially by having a link to your website somewhere on an external site, preferably in a place where it is bound to get noticed. But SEO also comes into play when creating these links. For example, let’s say you’ve answered a question of a message board related to your industry, and you want to post a link that leads back to your own site where readers can get more information. Many people mistakenly paste a whole link into the message, which is often not search engine optimized, such as

Another mistake that that is typically made is the preference to create a hyperlink that simply says Click Here For More Information, or something similar. But suppose you create a hyperlink that says this: Free SEO Analysis

Now you’ve got searchable keywords integrated into your hyperlink, and search engines like that. If you can get links like this on websites that major search engines consider strong, quality websites or authoritative sources, it only increases your chances of achieving high search engine rankings.

For maximum effectiveness, try building backlinks on websites that contain content that is related to your own industry. You can also build backlinks on blogs, forums, and social networking sites. However, be careful not to spam your links across the Internet and on other people’s blogs or forum topics. This can quickly instill the community with negative thoughts of your brand.

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